Hopelessness and Concealment of Suicidal Ideation: A Potential Association Moderated by Connectedness

Live Poster Session:


Eva Phelps
Eva Phelps

Class of 2022, Religion and Psychology Majors

Madie Notes
Madie Notes

Class of 2022, Psychology Major

Lauren Gaffney
Lauren Gaffney

Class of 2021, Psychology and Romance Languages (Spanish and French) majors

Abstract: We hypothesized that there would be an association between hopelessness and concealment of ideation with a third moderating variable, connectedness, affecting the association. 401 participants with a history of suicide ideation were polled through a self-report questionnaire measuring hopelessness, concealment of ideation, and connectedness. After running a correlation and multiple regression with an interaction term we concluded that there is no relationship between hopelessness and concealment, and further this potential association is not moderated by connectedness.
